Country Code
Area codes, also known as telephone prefixes, are numerical sequences that are dialed before a telephone number to indicate the territorial location of that number. They play a crucial role in the functioning of telecommunications systems by helping to identify the geographic area associated with a particular phone number.
There are two main types of area codes: country codes and regional codes. Country codes are used to indicate the country associated with a telephone number, while regional codes specify a specific region within that country.
When making international calls, it is important to use country area codes. These codes are necessary to connect to the correct country and ensure that the call reaches the intended destination. International area codes are typically dialed by prefixing the country code with a plus symbol (+) or dialing 00 before the country code. This helps telecommunication networks identify that the call is intended for an international destination.
On the other hand, regional area codes are used for both national and international calls within a specific country. When dialing a regional number, the regional area code is dialed before the telephone number itself, allowing the call to be routed to the correct geographic region within the country.
To summarize the dialing conventions:
- For international calls: [Country prefix with + or 00] [Regional area code] [Telephone number]
- For national calls: [Regional area code] [Telephone number]
By understanding and correctly using area codes, individuals can ensure that their calls are properly connected to the desired location, whether it is within their own country or abroad.
Afghanistan | 93 | AF / AFG |
Albania | 355 | AL / ALB |
Algeria | 213 | DZ / DZA |
American Samoa | 1-684 | AS / ASM |
Andorra | 376 | AD / AND |
Angola | 244 | AO / AGO |
Anguilla | 1-264 | AI / AIA |
Antarctica | 672 | AQ / ATA |
Antigua and Barbuda | 1-268 | AG / ATG |
Argentina | 54 | AR / ARG |
Armenia | 374 | AM / ARM |
Aruba | 297 | AW / ABW |
Australia | 61 | AU / AUS |
Austria | 43 | AT / AUT |
Azerbaijan | 994 | AZ / AZE |
Bahamas | 1-242 | BS / BHS |
Bahrain | 973 | BH / BHR |
Bangladesh | 880 | BD / BGD |
Barbados | 1-246 | BB / BRB |
Belarus | 375 | BY / BLR |
Belgium | 32 | BE / BEL |
Belize | 501 | BZ / BLZ |
Benin | 229 | BJ / BEN |
Bermuda | 1-441 | BM / BMU |
Bhutan | 975 | BT / BTN |
Bolivia | 591 | BO / BOL |
Netherlands Antilles | 599 | BQ / BES |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 387 | BA / BIH |
Botswana | 267 | BW / BWA |
Bouvet Island | 47 | BV / BVT |
Brazil | 55 | BR / BRA |
British Indian Ocean Territory | 246 | IO / IOT |
Brunei Darussalam | 673 | BN / BRN |
Bulgaria | 359 | BG / BGR |
Burkina Faso | 226 | BF / BFA |
Burundi | 257 | BI / BDI |
Cape Verde | 238 | CV / CPV |
Cambodia | 855 | KH / KHM |
Cameroon | 237 | CM / CMR |
Canada | 1 | CA / CAN |
Cayman Islands | 1-345 | KY / CYM |
Central African Republic | 236 | CF / CAF |
Chad | 235 | TD / TCD |
Chile | 56 | CL / CHL |
China | 86 | CN / CHN |
Christmas Island | 61 | CX / CXR |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 61 | CC / CCK |
Colombia | 57 | CO / COL |
Comoros | 269 | KM / COM |
Congo | 242 | CG / COG |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | 243 | CD / COD |
Cook Islands | 682 | CK / COK |
Costa Rica | 506 | CR / CRI |
Ivory Coast | 225 | CI / CIV |
Croatia | 385 | HR / HRV |
Cuba | 53 | CU / CUB |
Curaçao | 599 | CW / CUW |
Cyprus | 357 | CY / CYP |
Czech Republic | 420 | CZ / CZE |
Denmark | 45 | DK / DNK |
Djibouti | 253 | DJ / DJI |
Dominica | 1-767 | DM / DMA |
Dominican Republic | 1-809, 1-829, 1-849 | DO / DOM |
Ecuador | 593 | EC / ECU |
Egypt | 20 | EG / EGY |
El Salvador | 503 | SV / SLV |
Equatorial Guinea | 240 | GQ / GNQ |
Eritrea | 291 | ER / ERI |
Estonia | 372 | EE / EST |
Swaziland | 268 | SZ / SWZ |
Ethiopia | 251 | ET / ETH |
Falkland Islands | 500 | FK / FLK |
Faroe Islands | 298 | FO / FRO |
Fiji | 679 | FJ / FJI |
Finland | 358 | FI / FIN |
France | 33 | FR / FRA |
French Guiana | 594 | GF / GUF |
French Polynesia | 689 | PF / PYF |
French Southern Territories | 262 | TF / ATF |
Gabon | 241 | GA / GAB |
Gambia | 220 | GM / GMB |
Georgia | 995 | GE / GEO |
Germany | 49 | DE / DEU |
Ghana | 233 | GH / GHA |
Gibraltar | 350 | GI / GIB |
Greece | 30 | GR / GRC |
Greenland | 299 | GL / GRL |
Grenada | 1-473 | GD / GRD |
Guadeloupe | 590 | GP / GLP |
Guam | 1-671 | GU / GUM |
Guatemala | 502 | GT / GTM |
Guernsey | 44-1481 | GG / GGY |
Guinea | 224 | GN / GIN |
Guinea-Bissau | 245 | GW / GNB |
Guyana | 592 | GY / GUY |
Haiti | 509 | HT / HTI |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands | 672 | HM / HMD |
Vatican | 379 | VA / VAT |
Honduras | 504 | HN / HND |
Hong Kong | 852 | HK / HKG |
Hungary | 36 | HU / HUN |
Iceland | 354 | IS / ISL |
India | 91 | IN / IND |
Indonesia | 62 | ID / IDN |
Iran | 98 | IR / IRN |
Iraq | 964 | IQ / IRQ |
Ireland | 353 | IE / IRL |
Isle of Man | 44-1624 | IM / IMN |
Israel | 972 | IL / ISR |
Italy | 39 | IT / ITA |
Jamaica | 1-876 | JM / JAM |
Japan | 81 | JP / JPN |
Jersey | 44-1534 | JE / JEY |
Jordan | 962 | JO / JOR |
Kazakhstan | 7 | KZ / KAZ |
Kenya | 254 | KE / KEN |
Kiribati | 686 | KI / KIR |
North Korea | 850 | KP / PRK |
South Korea | 82 | KR / KOR |
Kuwait | 965 | KW / KWT |
Kyrgyzstan | 996 | KG / KGZ |
Laos | 856 | LA / LAO |
Latvia | 371 | LV / LVA |
Lebanon | 961 | LB / LBN |
Lesotho | 266 | LS / LSO |
Liberia | 231 | LR / LBR |
Libya | 218 | LY / LBY |
Liechtenstein | 423 | LI / LIE |
Lithuania | 370 | LT / LTU |
Luxembourg | 352 | LU / LUX |
Macau | 853 | MO / MAC |
Macedonia | 389 | MK / MKD |
Madagascar | 261 | MG / MDG |
Malawi | 265 | MW / MWI |
Malaysia | 60 | MY / MYS |
Maldives | 960 | MV / MDV |
Mali | 223 | ML / MLI |
Malta | 356 | MT / MLT |
Marshall Islands | 692 | MH / MHL |
Martinique | 596 | MQ / MTQ |
Mauritania | 222 | MR / MRT |
Mauritius | 230 | MU / MUS |
Mayotte | 262 | YT / MYT |
Mexico | 52 | MX / MEX |
Federated States of Micronesia | 691 | FM / FSM |
Republic of Moldova | 373 | MD / MDA |
Monaco | 377 | MC / MCO |
Mongolia | 976 | MN / MNG |
Montenegro | 382 | ME / MNE |
Montserrat | 1-664 | MS / MSR |
Morocco | 212 | MA / MAR |
Mozambique | 258 | MZ / MOZ |
Myanmar | 95 | MM / MMR |
Namibia | 264 | NA / NAM |
Nauru | 674 | NR / NRU |
Nepal | 977 | NP / NPL |
Netherlands | 31 | NL / NLD |
New Caledonia | 687 | NC / NCL |
New Zealand | 64 | NZ / NZL |
Nicaragua | 505 | NI / NIC |
Niger | 227 | NE / NER |
Nigeria | 234 | NG / NGA |
Niue | 683 | NU / NIU |
Norfolk Island | 672 | NF / NFK |
Northern Mariana Islands | 1-670 | MP / MNP |
Norway | 47 | NO / NOR |
Oman | 968 | OM / OMN |
Pakistan | 92 | PK / PAK |
Palau | 680 | PW / PLW |
Palestine | 970 | PS / PSE |
Panama | 507 | PA / PAN |
Papua New Guinea | 675 | PG / PNG |
Paraguay | 595 | PY / PRY |
Peru | 51 | PE / PER |
Philippines | 63 | PH / PHL |
Pitcairn | 870 | PN / PCN |
Poland | 48 | PL / POL |
Portugal | 351 | PT / PRT |
Puerto Rico | 1-787, 1-939 | PR / PRI |
Qatar | 974 | QA / QAT |
Réunion | 262 | RE / REU |
Romania | 40 | RO / ROU |
Russian | 7 | RU / RUS |
Rwanda | 250 | RW / RWA |
Saint Barthélemy | 590 | BL / BLM |
Saint Helena | 290 | SH / SHN |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | 1-869 | KN / KNA |
Saint Lucia | 1-758 | LC / LCA |
Saint Martin | 590 | MF / MAF |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 508 | PM / SPM |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 1-784 | VC / VCT |
Samoa | 685 | WS / WSM |
San Marino | 378 | SM / SMR |
Sao Tome and Principe | 239 | ST / STP |
Saudi Arabia | 966 | SA / SAU |
Senegal | 221 | SN / SEN |
Serbia | 381 | RS / SRB |
Seychelles | 248 | SC / SYC |
Sierra Leone | 232 | SL / SLE |
Singapore | 65 | SG / SGP |
Sint Maarten | 1-721 | SX / SXM |
Slovakia | 421 | SK / SVK |
Slovenia | 386 | SI / SVN |
Solomon Islands | 677 | SB / SLB |
Somalia | 252 | SO / SOM |
South Africa | 27 | ZA / ZAF |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | 500 | GS / SGS |
South Sudan | 211 | SS / SSD |
Spain | 34 | ES / ESP |
Sri Lanka | 94 | LK / LKA |
Sudan | 249 | SD / SDN |
Suriname | 597 | SR / SUR |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen | 47 | SJ / SJM |
Swaziland | 268 | SZ / SWZ |
Sweden | 46 | SE / SWE |
Switzerland | 41 | CH / CHE |
Syrian | 963 | SY / SYR |
Taiwan | 886 | TW / TWN |
Tajikistan | 992 | TJ / TJK |
Tanzania | 255 | TZ / TZA |
Thailand | 66 | TH / THA |
Timor | 670 | TL / TLS |
Togo | 228 | TG / TGO |
Tokelau | 690 | TK / TKL |
Tonga | 676 | TO / TON |
Trinidad and Tobago | 1-868 | TT / TTO |
Tunisia | 216 | TN / TUN |
Turkey | 90 | TR / TUR |
Turkmenistan | 993 | TM / TKM |
Turks and Caicos Islands | 1-649 | TC / TCA |
Tuvalu | 688 | TV / TUV |
Uganda | 256 | UG / UGA |
Ukraine | 380 | UA / UKR |
United Arab Emirates | 971 | AE / ARE |
United Kingdom | 44 | GB / GBR |
United States | 1 | US / USA |
States Minor Outlying Islands | 1 | UM / UMI |
Uruguay | 598 | UY / URY |
Uzbekistan | 998 | UZ / UZB |
Vanuatu | 678 | VU / VUT |
Venezuela | 58 | VE / VEN |
Vietnam | 84 | VN / VNM |
Virgin Islands, British | 1-284 | VG / VGB |
Virgin Islands, U.S. | 1-340 | VI / VIR |
Wallis and Futuna | 681 | WF / WLF |
Western Sahara | 212 | EH / ESH |
Yemen | 967 | YE / YEM |
Zambia | 260 | ZM / ZMB |
Zimbabwe | 263 | ZW / ZWE |
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Country Codes:
What are area codes?
Area codes, also known as telephone prefixes, are numerical sequences that are dialed before a telephone number to indicate the territorial location of that number.
What types of area codes are there?
There are two main types of area codes: country codes and regional codes. Country codes indicate the country associated with a telephone number, while regional codes specify a specific region within a country.
How are area codes used?
Area codes should be used when making calls, whether national or international. Country area codes are specifically used for international calls, and they should be dialed with the appropriate prefix, such as a plus symbol (+) or 00, to indicate that it is an international call.
How do you dial international area codes?
To dial international area codes, you need to prefix the country code with either a plus symbol (+) or dial 00 before the country code. This ensures that the telecommunication network recognizes the call as an international call.
How do you dial national area codes?
When dialing a national number, you simply dial the regional area code followed by the telephone number without any additional prefix.
Why are area codes important?
Area codes are important as they help in properly connecting calls to the desired location, whether it is within the same country or internationally. They ensure that calls are routed to the correct geographic area associated with the phone number.
We hope you liked this article about Country Code.