+598 Country code: Uruguay
The area code +598 belongs to Uruguay.
Country Calling Code
+ 598
Also Uruguay Country code for whatsapp
Top Level Domain (TLD)
Check Domain Availability .uy
ISO Numeric: 858
South America
Time Zone in Capital
Local time
All Uruguay city codes +598
City | Dial Codes |
Aigui | '+598-446 |
Araminda | '+598-337 |
Artigas | '+598-772 |
Balneario Las Flores | '+598-43 |
Baltasar Brum | '+598-776 |
Barra del Chuy | '+598-474 |
Barrio Escavino | '+598-349 |
Belén | '+598-766 |
Bella Unión | '+598-779 |
Boca del Rosario | '+598-557 |
Caballada | '+598-52 |
Canelón Chico | '+598-33 |
Canelones | '+598-32 |
Capurro | '+598-338 |
Cardal | '+598-339 |
Cardona | '+598-536 |
Carlos Reyles | '+598-368 |
Carmelo | '+598-542 |
Carmen | '+598-365 |
Caserko Murialdo | '+598-313 |
Castillos | '+598-475 |
Casupi | '+598-311 |
Cebollatk | '+598-459 |
Cerro Chato | '+598-466 |
Cerro Colorado | '+598-318 |
Chamizo | '+598-319 |
Colonia Cosmopolita | '+598-556 |
Colonia Miguelete | '+598-575 |
Colonia Piamontesa | '+598-552 |
Colonia Rapettti | '+598-546 |
Colonia Tomis | '+598-562 |
Colonia Valdense | '+598-55 |
Conchillas | '+598-577 |
Constitución | '+598-764 |
Costa Azul (Rocha) | '+598-479 |
Dayman | '+598-73 |
Dolores | '+598-534 |
Durazno | '+598-36 |
Estación Andreoni | '+598-317 |
Estación Sosa Dkaz | '+598-390 |
Faro José Ignacio | '+598-486 |
Florida | '+598-352 |
Fraile Muerto | '+598-688 |
Guichón | '+598-742 |
Ismael Cortinas | '+598-539 |
Izcua | '+598-412 |
J.P.Varela | '+598-455 |
José Batlle y Ordonez | '+598-469 |
José Enrique Rodó | '+598-538 |
Juan Lacaze | '+598-586 |
La Barra (Maldonado) | '+598-42 |
La Coronilla | '+598-476 |
Lagomar | '+598-38 |
Laguna Merkn | '+598-679 |
Las Canas | '+598-413 |
Las Piedras | '+598-324 |
Lascano | '+598-456 |
Libertad | '+598-345 |
Maldonado | '+598-42 |
Mariscala | '+598-449 |
Melo | '+598-64 |
Mercedes | '+598-53 +598-532 |
Minas | '+598-44 +598-442 |
Minas de Corrales | '+598-658 |
Mones Quintela | '+598-778 |
Montevideo | '+598-2 |
Nueva Carrara | '+598-415 |
Nueva Palmira | '+598-544 |
Nuevo Berlkn | '+598-568 |
Ombses de Lavalle | '+598-576 |
Palmitas | '+598-537 |
Paso de los Toros | '+598-664 |
Paysands | '+598-72 |
Paysandu | '+598-722 |
Piedras Coloradas | '+598-747 |
Pintado | '+598-354 |
Piraraji | '+598-448 |
Playa Fomento | '+598-587 |
Punta del Diablo | '+598-477 |
Punta Del Este | '+598-42 |
Quebracho | '+598-754 |
Rivera | '+598-62 |
Rko Branco | '+598-675 |
Rocha | '+598-47 |
Rodrkguez | '+598-348 |
San Gregorio de Polanco | '+598-369 |
San Jacinto | '+598-399 |
San Javier | '+598-569 |
San José | '+598-34 |
San Jose | '+598-342 |
San Jose De Carrasco | '+598-38 |
San Ramón | '+598-312 |
Santa Ana | '+598-588 |
Santa Clara de Olimar | '+598-464 |
Sarandk del Yk | '+598-367 |
Solks de Mataojo | '+598-379 |
Tacuarembó | '+598-63 |
Tala | '+598-315 |
Tarariras | '+598-574 |
Termas del Arapey | '+598-645 |
Tomis Gomensoro | '+598-777 |
Tranqueras | '+598-656 |
Treinta y Tres | '+598-45 |
Trinidad | '+598-364 |
Velizquez | '+598-457 |
Vergara | '+598-458 |
Vichadero | '+598-654 |
Young | '+598-567 |
Zapicin | '+598-463 |
Frequently asked questions about 598 area code
What is country code 598
Country code 598 refers to Uruguay. It is a numerical code used to identify countries in international telecommunications. In the case of Uruguay, the country code 598 is used when making international calls to this South American nation. It is important to note that country codes are essential for establishing communication between different countries and are used to ensure accurate and efficient connections in the global telecommunications network.
What area code is 598 on WhatsApp?
The area code 598 on WhatsApp corresponds to Uruguay.
How to call from abroad to a phone located in Uruguay?
To call from abroad to a phone located in Uruguay, you will need to follow a few steps.
First, you will need to know the international dialing code for Uruguay, which is +598. This code is used to indicate that you are making an international call to Uruguay.
Next, you will need to dial the country code for the country you are calling from. For example, if you are calling from the United States, the country code is +1.
After dialing the country code, you will need to dial the area code for the specific city or region in Uruguay where the phone is located. The area code for Montevideo, the capital city of Uruguay, is 2.
you will need to dial the local phone number of the person or business you are trying to reach.
Putting it all together, an example of how to call from abroad to a phone located in Uruguay would be:
+1 (country code) +598 (Uruguay's international dialing code) +2 (area code for Montevideo) + XXXX XXXX (local phone number)
Remember to remove any leading zeros from the area code or local phone number when dialing from abroad.
You can also know the following country codes:
We hope you liked this article about +598 Country code: Uruguay.