+966 Country code: Saudi Arabia
The area code +966 belongs to Saudi Arabia.
Country Calling Code
+ 966
Also Saudi Arabia Country code for whatsapp
Top Level Domain (TLD)
Check Domain Availability .sa
ISO Numeric: 682
Time Zone in Capital
Local time
All Saudi Arabia city codes +966
City | Dial Codes |
Abha | '+966-17 |
Abqaiq | '+966-13 |
Al Khobar | '+966-13 |
Al Markazi | '+966-12 |
Al Ulaya | '+966-11 |
Anak | '+966-13 |
Bukayriyah | '+966-16 |
Dammam | '+966-13 |
Damman | '+966-13 |
Dhahran (Aramco) | '+966-13 |
Hail | '+966-16 |
Hawiyah | '+966-12 |
Hawtah | '+966-11 |
Hofuf | '+966-13 |
Jeddah | '+966-12 |
Jubail | '+966-13 |
Khafji | '+966-13 |
Khamis Mushait | '+966-17 |
Layla | '+966-11 |
Madinah | '+966-14 |
Makkah | '+966-12 |
Makkah (Mecca) | '+966-12 |
Medin | '+966-14 |
Medina Region | '+966-14 |
Mubarraz | '+966-11 |
Najran | '+966-17 |
Qassim Region | '+966-16 |
Qatif | '+966-13 |
Qedieyeh | '+966-13 |
Rabigh | '+966-12 |
Ras Tanurah | '+966-13 |
Riyadh | '+966-11 |
Safwa | '+966-13 |
Shaqra | '+966-11 |
Sihat | '+966-13 |
Southern Region | '+966-17 |
Tabouk | '+966-14 |
Taif | '+966-12 |
Tarut Island - Mina and Darin | '+966-13 |
Yanbou | '+966-14 |
Frequently asked questions about 966 area code
What is country code 966
Country code 966 is the international dialing code for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This code is used when making international calls to Saudi Arabia from other countries. It is important to include this country code before dialing the local phone number in order to connect the call to the correct destination.
What area code is 966 on WhatsApp?
The area code 966 on WhatsApp corresponds to Saudi Arabia.
How to call from abroad to a phone located in Saudi Arabia?
To call from abroad to a phone located in Saudi Arabia, you will need to follow a few steps.
1. Determine the country code: The country code for Saudi Arabia is +966. This code is necessary to establish an international call.
2. Dial the international access code: This code varies depending on the country you are calling from. For example, if you are calling from the United States, the international access code is 011.
3. Enter the country code: After dialing the international access code, you need to enter the country code for Saudi Arabia, which is +966.
4. Dial the area code: Saudi Arabia is divided into different regions, each with its own area code. You will need to know the specific area code for the phone number you are calling. For example, the area code for Riyadh is 11.
5. Enter the phone number: enter the phone number of the person you are calling, excluding the area code. Make sure to include all the necessary digits, including any local extensions if applicable.
Let's say you are calling a phone located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from the United States. The steps to follow would be:
1. Determine the country code: +966
2. Dial the international access code: 011
3. Enter the country code: +966
4. Dial the area code: 11 (for Riyadh)
5. Enter the phone number: XXX-XXXX (replace X with the actual phone number)
So, to call the phone located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, you would dial 011+966+11+XXX-XXXX.
You can also know the following country codes:
We hope you liked this article about +966 Country code: Saudi Arabia.