+49 Country code: Germany

The area code +49 belongs to Germany.

Country Calling Code

+ 49

Also Germany Country code for whatsapp

How to call

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ISO Numeric: 276





Time Zone in Capital


Local time

All Germany city codes +49

City Dial Codes
Bad Homburg '+49-6172
Berlin '+49-30
Bonn '+49-228
Bremen '+49-421
Chemnitz '+49-371
Cologne (Koln) '+49-221
Cottbus '+49-355
Darmstadt '+49-6151
Dresden '+49-351
Dusseldorf '+49-211
Erfurt '+49-361
Essen '+49-201
Frankfurt am Main (west) '+49-69
Frankfurt an der Oder (east) '+49-335
Gera '+49-365
Halle '+49-345
Hamburg '+49-40
Hanover '+49-511
Heidelberg '+49-6221
Karl-Stadt '+49-9353
Kiel '+49-431
Koblenz '+49-261
Leipzig '+49-341
Magdeburg '+49-391
Mannheim '+49-621
Mobile Phones '+49-172 +49-173 +49-17
Munich '+49-89
Neubrandenburg '+49-395
Nurnberg '+49-911
Potsdam '+49-331
Rostock '+49-381
Saal '+49-38223
Schwerin '+49-385
Stuttgart '+49-711
Wiesbaden '+49-611

Frequently asked questions about 49 area code


What is country code 49

Country code 49 refers to the telephone country code assigned to Germany. This code is used when making international calls to Germany. It is important to note that country codes are numerical prefixes used to identify specific countries when dialing internationally. In the case of Germany, country code 49 is dialed before the local telephone number when placing a call from outside the country.

What area code is 49 on WhatsApp?

The area code 49 on WhatsApp corresponds to Germany.

Does the 49 area code always have the same location?

No, the +49 area code does not always have the same location. The +49 area code is the international dialing code for Germany. However, within Germany, the area code can vary depending on the specific region or city. For example, Berlin has the area code +49 30, while Munich has the area code +49 89. Therefore, it is important to know the specific area code for the desired location within Germany when making international calls.

Country code

How to call from abroad to a phone located in Germany?

To call from abroad to a phone located in Germany, you will need to follow a few steps.

First, you will need to know the international dialing code for Germany, which is +49. This code is used to indicate that you are making an international call to Germany.

Next, you will need to dial the country code for the country you are calling from. For example, if you are calling from the United States, the country code is +1.

After dialing the country code, you will need to dial the area code for the specific region in Germany where the phone is located. The area code can vary depending on the city or region. For example, the area code for Berlin is 30, while the area code for Munich is 89.

you will need to dial the phone number of the person or business you are trying to reach. Make sure to include any additional digits, such as an extension number, if necessary.

Here is an example to illustrate the process:

Let's say you are calling from the United States to a phone located in Berlin, Germany. The international dialing code for Germany is +49, and the country code for the United States is +1. The area code for Berlin is 30.

To make the call, you would dial: +1 (country code) +49 (international dialing code for Germany) +30 (area code for Berlin) + [phone number].

For instance, if the phone number you are trying to reach is 123456789, you would dial: +1 49 30 123456789.

You can also know the following country codes:

We hope you liked this article about +49 Country code: Germany.