+58 Country code: Venezuela

The area code +58 belongs to Venezuela.

Country Calling Code

+ 58

Also Venezuela Country code for whatsapp

How to call

Top Level Domain (TLD)


Check Domain Availability .ve




ISO Numeric: 862


South America



Time Zone in Capital


Local time

All Venezuela city codes +58

City Dial Codes
Barcelona '+58-281
Barquisimeto '+58-251
Cabimas '+58-264
Caracas '+58-212
Ciudad Bolivar '+58-285
Coro '+58-268
Cumana '+58-293
Los Teques '+58-212
Maiquetia '+58-212
Maracaibo '+58-261
Maracay '+58-243
Maturin '+58-291
Merida '+58-274
Puerto Cabello '+58-242
San Cristobal '+58-276
Valencia '+58-241

Frequently asked questions about 58 area code


What is country code 58

Country code 58 refers to the telephone country code assigned to Venezuela. Telephone country codes are numerical codes used to identify different countries when making international phone calls. In the case of Venezuela, country code 58 is used to dial into the country from abroad. It is important to note that country codes are just one part of the complete phone number, which also includes the area code and the local number.

What area code is 58 on WhatsApp?

The area code 58 on WhatsApp corresponds to Venezuela.

Area codes by country

How to call from abroad to a phone located in Venezuela?

To call from abroad to a phone located in Venezuela, you will need to follow a few steps.

First, make sure you have the correct country code for Venezuela, which is +58. This code is necessary to establish an international call to Venezuela.

Next, dial the international access code for the country you are calling from. This code varies depending on your location. For example, if you are calling from the United States, the international access code is 011.

After dialing the international access code, enter the country code for Venezuela (+58) followed by the area code for the specific location within Venezuela. The area code can range from 2 to 4 digits, depending on the city or region. For example, the area code for Caracas, the capital city of Venezuela, is 212.

dial the local phone number of the person you are trying to reach. This is typically a 7-digit number, but it can vary depending on the specific phone line.

when calling from abroad to a phone located in Venezuela, you need to dial the international access code, followed by the country code, area code, and local phone number. For example, if you are calling from the United States to a phone in Caracas with the number 123-4567, you would dial 011-58-212-123-4567.

You can also know the following country codes:

We hope you liked this article about +58 Country code: Venezuela.