+689 Country code: French Polynesia
The area code +689 belongs to French Polynesia.
Country Calling Code
+ 689
Also French Polynesia Country code for whatsapp
Top Level Domain (TLD)
Check Domain Availability .pf
ISO Numeric: 258
Time Zone in Capital
Local time
Frequently asked questions about 689 area code

What is country code 689
Country code 689 corresponds to French Polynesia, a group of islands located in the South Pacific Ocean. French Polynesia is an overseas collectivity of France and is made up of several archipelagos, including the Society Islands, Tuamotu Archipelago, Gambier Islands, Marquesas Islands, and Austral Islands. The country code 689 is used for international telephone calls to French Polynesia.
What area code is 689 on WhatsApp?
The area code 689 on WhatsApp corresponds to French Polynesia. French Polynesia is a group of islands located in the South Pacific Ocean. It is a French overseas collectivity and is known for its stunning natural beauty, including pristine beaches, turquoise lagoons, and vibrant coral reefs. French Polynesia is a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from around the world who come to explore its diverse marine life, engage in water sports, and immerse themselves in the rich Polynesian culture.
Does the 689 area code always have the same location?
No, the +689 area code does not always have the same location. The +689 area code is assigned to French Polynesia, which is an overseas collectivity of France located in the South Pacific Ocean. French Polynesia consists of several islands, including Tahiti, Bora Bora, and Moorea. However, it is important to note that area codes can sometimes be reassigned or changed, so it is always a good idea to verify the current location associated with a specific area code.
How to call from abroad to a phone located in French Polynesia?
To call from abroad to a phone located in French Polynesia, you will need to follow a specific dialing procedure.
First, you will need to know the international dialing code for French Polynesia, which is +689. This code is used to indicate that you are making an international call to French Polynesia.
Next, you will need to dial the country code of the country you are calling from. For example, if you are calling from the United States, the country code is +1.
After dialing the country code, you will need to dial the area code for French Polynesia. The area code for French Polynesia is 689.
you will need to dial the phone number of the person you are trying to reach. Make sure to include the local area code and the individual phone number.
For example, if you are calling from the United States to a phone located in French Polynesia with the area code 689 and the phone number 1234567, you would dial: +1 689 1234567.
Remember to check with your service provider for any additional charges or requirements for making international calls.
You can also know the following country codes:
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