+379 Country code: Vatican
The area code +379 belongs to Vatican.
Country Calling Code
+ 379
Also Vatican Country code for whatsapp
Top Level Domain (TLD)
Check Domain Availability .va
ISO Numeric: 336
Vatican City
Time Zone in Capital
Local time
Frequently asked questions about 379 area code
What is country code 379
Country code 379 does not correspond to any specific country. It is important to note that country codes are assigned by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to identify different countries or territories for telecommunications purposes. However, country code 379 is currently unassigned and not allocated to any particular nation. It is possible that this code may be reserved for future use or for specific purposes other than identifying a country.
What area code is 379 on WhatsApp?
The area code 379 on WhatsApp corresponds to the Vatican City. The Vatican City is an independent city-state located within Rome, Italy. It is the smallest internationally recognized independent state in the world, both in terms of area and population. The area code 379 is specifically assigned to the Vatican City on WhatsApp, allowing users to easily identify and connect with contacts from this location.
Does the 379 area code always have the same location?
No, the +379 area code does not always have the same location. The +379 area code is not assigned to any specific country or region. In fact, the +379 code is currently unassigned and has not been allocated to any particular location. It is important to note that area codes can change over time as new codes are introduced or existing ones are reassigned. Therefore, it is always recommended to verify the specific location associated with an area code before making any assumptions.
How to call from abroad to a phone located in Vatican?
To call from abroad to a phone located in Vatican, you will need to follow a specific dialing procedure. Firstly, you will need to know the country code for Vatican, which is +379. Next, you will need to dial the international access code for your country, which is usually represented by a "+" sign or the numbers "00". After dialing the international access code, you should then enter the country code for Vatican (+379), followed by the phone number of the person you wish to call.
For example, if you are calling a phone located in Vatican with the number 12345678 and you are dialing from the United States, you would dial "+379 12345678".
You can also know the following country codes:
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