+40 Country code: Romania
The area code +40 belongs to Romania.
Country Calling Code
+ 40
Also Romania Country code for whatsapp
Top Level Domain (TLD)
Check Domain Availability .ro
ISO Numeric: 642
Time Zone in Capital
Local time
All Romania city codes +40
City | Dial Codes |
Abrud | '+40-258 |
Adjud | '+40-237 |
Agigea | '+40-241 |
Agnita | '+40-269 |
Aiud | '+40-258 |
Alba Iulia | '+40-258 |
Alesd | '+40-259 |
Alexandria | '+40-247 |
Amara | '+40-243 |
Apahida | '+40-264 |
Arad | '+40-257 |
Asau | '+40-234 |
Avrig | '+40-269 |
Axente Sever | '+40-269 |
Azuga | '+40-244 |
Baba Ana | '+40-244 |
Babadag | '+40-240 |
Babeni | '+40-250 |
Bacau | '+40-234 |
Bacia | '+40-254 |
Baia Mare | '+40-262 |
Baia Sprie | '+40-262 |
Baicoi | '+40-244 |
Baiculesti | '+40-248 |
Baile Felix | '+40-259 |
Baile Govora | '+40-250 |
Baile Herculane | '+40-255 |
Baile Olanesti | '+40-250 |
Bailesti | '+40-251 |
Bals | '+40-249 |
Baneasa | '+40-241 |
Banesti | '+40-244 |
Barcanesti (judetz: Ialomitza) | '+40-243 |
Barcanesti (judetz: Prahova) | '+40-244 |
Barcani | '+40-267 |
Basarabi | '+40-241 |
Bascov | '+40-248 |
Beclean | '+40-263 |
Beius | '+40-259 |
Bicaz | '+40-233 |
Bilciuresti | '+40-245 |
Birca | '+40-251 |
Birlad | '+40-235 |
Bistrita | '+40-263 |
Blaj | '+40-258 |
Bocsa Româna | '+40-255 |
Boldesti - Scaieni | '+40-244 |
Bolintin Vale | '+40-246 |
Botosani | '+40-231 |
Brad | '+40-254 |
Braesti | '+40-231 |
Braila | '+40-239 |
Bran | '+40-268 |
Branesti | '+40-2179 |
Branisca | '+40-254 |
Brasov | '+40-268 |
Breaza | '+40-244 |
Brebu | '+40-255 |
Bretea Româna | '+40-254 |
Brezoi | '+40-250 |
Bucecea | '+40-231 |
Bucov | '+40-244 |
Bucuresci | '+40-254 |
Bucuresti (Bucharest) | '+40-21 |
Buftea | '+40-2179 |
Buhoci | '+40-234 |
Buhusi | '+40-234 |
Busteni | '+40-244 |
Buzau | '+40-238 |
Buzias | '+40-256 |
Caciulata | '+40-250 |
Calafat | '+40-251 |
Calan | '+40-254 |
Calarasi | '+40-242 |
Calimanesti | '+40-250 |
Calugareni | '+40-246 |
Cap Aurora | '+40-241 |
Caracal | '+40-249 |
Caransebes | '+40-255 |
Carei | '+40-261 |
Carpinis | '+40-241 |
Casin | '+40-234 |
Castelu | '+40-241 |
Catau Ludus | '+40-265 |
Ceahlau | '+40-233 |
Cehu Silvaniei | '+40-260 |
Cerat | '+40-251 |
Cerna Voda | '+40-241 |
Certeju De Sus | '+40-254 |
Chisineu Cris | '+40-257 |
Cimpeni | '+40-258 |
Cimpia Turzii | '+40-264 |
Cimpina | '+40-244 |
Cimpulung Moldovenesc | '+40-230 |
Cimpulung Muscel | '+40-248 |
Cisnadie | '+40-269 |
Cluj - Napoca | '+40-264 |
Cochirleni | '+40-241 |
Codlea | '+40-268 |
Colibasi | '+40-248 |
Comanesti | '+40-234 |
Comarnic | '+40-244 |
Constanta | '+40-241 |
Copsa Mica | '+40-269 |
Corabia | '+40-249 |
Corbeni | '+40-248 |
Corbu | '+40-241 |
Cornu | '+40-244 |
Cosereni | '+40-243 |
Costesti | '+40-248 |
Costinesti | '+40-241 |
Cotnari | '+40-232 |
Covasna | '+40-267 |
Craiova | '+40-251 |
Criscior | '+40-254 |
Cristian | '+40-269 |
Cristur | '+40-254 |
Cugir | '+40-258 |
Curtea De Arges | '+40-248 |
Curtici | '+40-257 |
Cuza Voda | '+40-241 | Dabuleni | '+40-251 |
Darabani | '+40-231 |
Darmanesti | '+40-234 |
Dej | '+40-264 |
Deta | '+40-256 |
Deva | '+40-254 |
Dirlos | '+40-269 |
Dobra | '+40-254 |
Doi Mai | '+40-241 |
Dorohoi | '+40-231 |
Draganesti - Vlasca (judetz: T | '+40-247 |
Draganesti (judetz: Olt) | '+40-249 |
Draganu | '+40-248 |
Dragasani | '+40-250 |
Drobeta - Turnu Severin | '+40-252 |
Dumbrava Rosie | '+40-233 |
Dumbraveni | '+40-230 +40-269 |
Eforie Nord | '+40-241 |
Eforie Sud | '+40-241 |
Fagaras | '+40-268 |
Faget | '+40-256 |
Falticeni | '+40-230 |
Faurei (judetz: Braila) | '+40-239 |
Faurei (judetz: Constanta) | '+40-241 |
Fetesti | '+40-243 |
Fieni | '+40-245 |
Filiasi | '+40-251 |
Fintinele | '+40-257 |
Flaminzi | '+40-231 |
Floresti (judetz: Cluj) | '+40-264 |
Floresti (judetz: Prahova) | '+40-244 |
Focsani | '+40-237 |
Frasin | '+40-230 |
Gaiesti | '+40-245 |
Galati | '+40-236 |
Gelu | '+40-261 |
Geoagiu Bai | '+40-254 |
Ghelari | '+40-254 |
Gheorghi- Eni | '+40-266 |
Gheraseni | '+40-238 |
Gherla | '+40-264 |
Ghimpati | '+40-246 |
Giarmata | '+40-256 |
Girbovi | '+40-243 |
Giurgiu | '+40-246 |
Glodeanu Silistea | '+40-238 |
Gura Humorului | '+40-230 |
Gura Ocnitei | '+40-245 |
Gura Sutii | '+40-245 |
Harman | '+40-268 |
Hateg | '+40-254 |
Hirlau | '+40-232 |
Hirsova | '+40-241 |
Hlipiceni | '+40-231 |
Horezu | '+40-250 |
Huedin | '+40-264 |
Hunedoara | '+40-254 |
Husi | '+40-235 |
Ianca | '+40-239 |
Iasi | '+40-232 |
Iernut | '+40-265 |
Ineu | '+40-257 |
Insuratei | '+40-239 |
Intorsura Buzaului | '+40-267 |
Ion Luca Caragiale | '+40-245 |
Isaccea | '+40-240 |
Jibou | '+40-260 |
Jimbolia | '+40-256 |
Jupiter | '+40-241 |
Lazu | '+40-241 |
Lehliu Gara | '+40-242 |
Leresti | '+40-248 |
Letea Veche | '+40-234 |
Leu | '+40-251 |
Liesti | '+40-236 |
Limanu | '+40-241 |
Lipanesti | '+40-244 |
Lipova | '+40-257 |
Livezi | '+40-234 |
Livezile | '+40-252 |
Ludus | '+40-265 |
Lugoj | '+40-256 |
Lumina | '+40-241 |
Luminita | '+40-241 |
Lupeni | '+40-254 |
M. Kogalniceanu | '+40-243 |
Macin | '+40-240 |
Magura | '+40-234 |
Malu Cu Flori | '+40-245 |
Mamaia | '+40-241 |
Manastirea Neamt | '+40-233 |
Mangalia | '+40-241 |
Maracineni | '+40-238 |
Marasesti | '+40-237 |
Marghita | '+40-259 |
Margineni | '+40-234 |
Medgidia | '+40-241 |
Medias | '+40-269 |
Merei | '+40-238 |
Merisani | '+40-248 |
Miercurea Ciuc | '+40-266 |
Miercurea Miraj | '+40-265 |
Mizil | '+40-244 |
Moeciu De Jos | '+40-268 |
Mogosoaia | '+40-21 |
Moinesti | '+40-234 |
Moldova Veche | '+40-255 |
Moneasa | '+40-257 |
Moreni | '+40-245 |
Moroeni | '+40-245 |
Motru | '+40-253 |
Nadlac | '+40-257 |
Nasaud | '+40-263 |
Navodari | '+40-241 |
Negresti | '+40-235 |
Negresti - Oas | '+40-261 |
Negureni | '+40-241 |
Nehoiu | '+40-238 |
Neptun | '+40-241 |
Nicolae Balcescu | '+40-234 |
Nisipari | '+40-241 |
Novaci | '+40-253 |
Ocna Mures | '+40-258 |
Ocna Sibiului | '+40-269 |
Ocnita | '+40-245 |
Odobesti | '+40-237 |
Odorheiu Secuiesc | '+40-266 |
Olimp | '+40-241 |
Oltenita | '+40-242 |
Onesti | '+40-234 |
Oradea | '+40-259 |
Orastie | '+40-254 |
Oravita | '+40-255 |
Orsova | '+40-252 |
Otelu Rosu | '+40-255 |
Otopeni | '+40-21 |
Ovidiu | '+40-241 |
Palazu Mare | '+40-241 |
Panciu | '+40-237 |
Parava | '+40-234 |
Pascani | '+40-232 |
Patirla Gele | '+40-238 |
Paulis | '+40-257 |
Petresti (judetz: Alba) | '+40-258 |
Petresti (judetz: Dambovita) | '+40-245 |
Petrila | '+40-254 |
Petrosani | '+40-254 |
Piatra | '+40-241 |
Piatra Neamt | '+40-233 |
Pielesti | '+40-251 |
Pietrosita | '+40-245 |
Pincesti | '+40-234 |
Piriul Rece | '+40-268 |
Pitesti | '+40-248 |
Plenita | '+40-251 |
Ploiesti | '+40-244 |
Plopeni | '+40-244 |
Podari | '+40-251 |
Podu Iloaiei | '+40-232 |
Podu Turcului | '+40-234 |
Podu Vadului | '+40-244 |
Poduri | '+40-234 |
Pogoanele | '+40-238 |
Poiana | '+40-241 |
Poiana Brasov | '+40-268 |
Poiana Cimpina | '+40-244 |
Poiana Marului | '+40-268 |
Poiana Tapului | '+40-244 |
Predeal | '+40-268 |
Prundu Birgaului | '+40-263 |
Pucioasa | '+40-245 |
Racaciuni | '+40-234 |
Racari | '+40-245 |
Radauti | '+40-230 |
Rasinari | '+40-269 |
Razoare | '+40-241 |
Razvad | '+40-245 |
Reghin | '+40-265 |
Remus Opreanu | '+40-241 |
Resita | '+40-255 |
Rimnicu Sarat | '+40-238 |
Rimnicu Vilcea | '+40-250 |
Ripiceni | '+40-231 |
Risnov | '+40-268 |
Roman | '+40-233 |
Romos | '+40-254 |
Ropotu Mare | '+40-254 |
Rosiori De Vede | '+40-247 |
Roznov | '+40-233 |
Rucar | '+40-248 |
Rupea | '+40-268 |
Sacele | '+40-268 |
Saligny | '+40-241 |
Saliste | '+40-269 |
Salonta | '+40-259 |
Sarmisege- Tuza | '+40-254 |
Sasciori | '+40-258 |
Sascut | '+40-234 |
Satu Mare | '+40-261 |
Satu Nou | '+40-241 |
Saturn | '+40-241 |
Saucesti | '+40-234 |
Saveni | '+40-231 |
Savinesti | '+40-233 |
Savirsin | '+40-257 |
Schitu | '+40-241 |
Scinteia | '+40-243 |
Scornicesti | '+40-249 |
Scurtesti | '+40-238 |
Sebes | '+40-258 |
Sebis | '+40-257 |
Secuieni | '+40-234 |
Segarcea | '+40-251 |
Seimenii Mici | '+40-241 |
Seini | '+40-262 |
Seitin | '+40-257 |
Selimbar | '+40-269 |
Sfintu Gheorghe | '+40-267 |
Sibioara | '+40-241 |
Sibiu | '+40-269 |
Sighetu Marmatiei | '+40-262 |
Sighisoara | '+40-265 |
Simeria | '+40-254 |
Siminoc | '+40-241 |
Simleul Silvaniei | '+40-260 |
Sinaia | '+40-244 |
Singeorz-Bai | '+40-263 |
Sinnicolau-Mare | '+40-256 |
Sinpetru | '+40-268 |
Sintandrei | '+40-254 |
Sintimbru | '+40-258 |
Siret | '+40-230 |
Siria | '+40-257 |
Sita Buzaului | '+40-267 |
Slanic | '+40-244 |
Slanic Moldova | '+40-234 |
Slatina | '+40-249 |
Slobozia | '+40-243 |
Snagov | '+40-2179 |
Sofronea | '+40-257 |
Soimus | '+40-254 |
Solca | '+40-230 |
Sovata Bai | '+40-265 |
Stefanesti | '+40-248 |
Stei | '+40-259 |
Stolnici | '+40-248 |
Strehaia | '+40-252 |
Suceava | '+40-230 |
Sulina | '+40-240 |
Talmaciu | '+40-269 |
Tandarei | '+40-243 |
Tasnad | '+40-261 |
Techirghiol | '+40-241 |
Tecuci | '+40-236 |
Telega | '+40-244 |
Teliucu Inferior | '+40-254 |
Teremia Mare | '+40-256 |
Timisoara | '+40-256 |
Timisu De Jos | '+40-268 |
Timisu De Sus | '+40-268 |
Tintea | '+40-244 |
Tirgoviste | '+40-245 |
Tirgu Bujor | '+40-236 |
Tirgu Frumos | '+40-232 |
Tirgu Jiu | '+40-253 |
Tirgu Lapus | '+40-262 |
Tirgu Mures | '+40-265 |
Tirgu Neamt | '+40-233 |
Tirgu Ocna | '+40-234 |
Tirgu Secuiesc | '+40-267 |
Tirnaveni | '+40-265 |
Tismana | '+40-253 |
Titu | '+40-245 |
Tohan | '+40-268 |
Toplita | '+40-266 |
Topoloveni | '+40-248 |
Tortoman | '+40-241 |
Traian | '+40-234 |
Tulcea | '+40-240 |
Turceni | '+40-253 |
Turda | '+40-264 |
Turnu Magurele | '+40-247 |
Tuzla | '+40-241 |
Urlati | '+40-244 |
Urziceni | '+40-243 |
Vacaresti | '+40-245 |
Vaculesti | '+40-231 |
Vadu Oii | '+40-241 |
Vadu Pasii | '+40-238 |
Valea Bolvasnita | '+40-255 |
Valea Calugareasca | '+40-244 |
Valea Ciorii | '+40-243 |
Valea Dacilor | '+40-241 |
Valea Doftanei | '+40-244 |
Valenii De Munte | '+40-244 |
Vama Veche | '+40-241 |
Varias | '+40-256 |
Vaslui | '+40-235 |
Vatra Dornei | '+40-230 |
Vatra Moldovitei | '+40-230 |
Venus | '+40-241 |
Vetel | '+40-254 |
Victoria | '+40-268 |
Videle | '+40-247 |
Viile Satu Mare | '+40-261 |
Viisoara | '+40-233 |
Vinatorii-Neamt | '+40-233 |
Vinga | '+40-257 |
Vinju Mare | '+40-252 |
Vladimirescu | '+40-257 |
Voicesti | '+40-250 |
Voinesti | '+40-245 |
Vulcan | '+40-254 |
Zadareni | '+40-257 |
Zalau | '+40-260 |
Zanesti | '+40-233 |
Zarnesti | '+40-268 |
Zimnicea | '+40-247 |
Zlatna | '+40-258 |
Frequently asked questions about 40 area code
What is country code 40
Country code 40 refers to the telephone country code assigned to Romania. This code is used when making international calls to Romania. It is important to include the country code when dialing a phone number in Romania from another country to ensure the call is properly connected.
What area code is 40 on WhatsApp?
The area code "40" on WhatsApp corresponds to Romania.
Does the 40 area code always have the same location?
No, the +40 area code does not always have the same location. The +40 area code is the international dialing code for Romania. However, it is important to note that area codes can be reassigned or changed over time, so it is possible for the +40 area code to be used for different locations in the future. It is always recommended to verify the specific location associated with an area code before making any assumptions.
How to call from abroad to a phone located in Romania?
To call from abroad to a phone located in Romania, you will need to follow a few steps.
1. Determine the international dialing code for your country: The international dialing code is a unique number assigned to each country. You can find this code by doing a quick internet search or referring to a telephone directory.
2. Dial the exit code: The exit code is the number you need to dial to make an international call from your country. This code varies depending on where you are calling from. For example, if you are calling from the United States, the exit code is 011.
3. Dial the country code for Romania: The country code for Romania is 40. This code is used to identify the country you are calling.
4. Dial the area code (if applicable): If you are calling a landline number in Romania, you will need to include the area code. The area code varies depending on the specific region or city in Romania. For example, the area code for Bucharest is 21.
5. Dial the phone number: dial the phone number of the person or business you are trying to reach in Romania. Make sure to include any additional digits, such as an extension number, if necessary.
Let's say you are in the United Kingdom and want to call a phone located in Bucharest, Romania. Here's how you would do it:
1. Determine the international dialing code for the United Kingdom, which is +44.
2. Dial the exit code, which is 00 in the United Kingdom.
3. Dial the country code for Romania, which is 40.
4. Dial the area code for Bucharest, which is 21.
5. Dial the phone number of the person or business you are calling.
So, the complete number you would dial from the United Kingdom to call a phone in Bucharest, Romania would be: 00 40 21 XXX XXXX (replace XXX XXXX with the actual phone number).
You can also know the following country codes:
We hope you liked this article about +40 Country code: Romania.