+243 Country code: Democratic Republic of the Congo
The area code +243 belongs to Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Country Calling Code
+ 243
Also Democratic Republic of the Congo Country code for whatsapp
Top Level Domain (TLD)
Check Domain Availability .cd
ISO Numeric: 180
Time Zone in Capital
Local time
All Democratic Republic of the Congo city codes +243
Dial Codes
Bas-Congo, Bandundu | +243-3 |
Kasai-Oriental | +243-4 |
Katanga | +243-2 |
Kinshasa | +243-1 |
Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu, Maniema | +243-6 |
Province Orientale (Kisanga; M | +243-5 |
Frequently asked questions about 243 area code
What is country code 243
Country code 243 is the international telephone dialing code assigned to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This code is used when making international calls to the country. It is important to note that country codes are used to identify specific countries or territories when dialing internationally, allowing for efficient and accurate communication across borders.
What area code is 243 on WhatsApp?
The area code 243 on WhatsApp corresponds to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Does the 243 area code always have the same location?
No, the +243 area code does not always have the same location. The +243 area code is assigned to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. However, the country is vast and covers a large geographical area. Therefore, the +243 area code can be used in various locations within the country. It is important to note that area codes are used to identify a specific region within a country, but they do not pinpoint an exact location.
How to call from abroad to a phone located in Democratic Republic of the Congo?
To call from abroad to a phone located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, you will need to follow a few steps.
1. Determine the international dialing code for the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The country code for the Democratic Republic of the Congo is +243.
2. Dial the exit code of the country you are calling from. This is the code you need to dial to make an international call. For example, if you are calling from the United States, the exit code is 011.
3. After dialing the exit code, dial the country code for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (+243).
4. Next, dial the area code for the specific region or city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where the phone is located. This will vary depending on the location. For example, the area code for Kinshasa, the capital city, is 12.
5. dial the phone number of the person or business you are trying to reach in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Let's say you are calling from the United States to a phone located in Kinshasa, the capital city of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The phone number you want to call is 123456789.
To make the call, you would dial:
011 (exit code for the United States) + 243 (country code for the Democratic Republic of the Congo) + 12 (area code for Kinshasa) + 123456789 (phone number).
You can also know the following country codes:
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