+1 242 Country code: Bahamas

The area code +1-242 belongs to Bahamas.

Country Calling Code

+ 1-242

Also Bahamas Country code for whatsapp

How to call

Top Level Domain (TLD)


Check Domain Availability .bs




ISO Numeric: 44


North America



Time Zone in Capital


Local time

All Bahamas city codes +1-242

Dial Codes
Bahamas Toll Free+1-800
City Dial Codes
Coopers Town '+1-242
Freeport '+1-242
Nassau '+1-242
West End '+1-242

Frequently asked questions about 1-242 area code


What is country code 1-242

Country code 1-242 corresponds to the Bahamas. The country code is a numerical prefix used to identify a specific country when making international phone calls. In this case, the country code 1-242 specifically represents the Bahamas. When dialing a phone number with this country code, it indicates that the call is intended for a destination within the Bahamas.

What area code is 1-242 on WhatsApp?

The area code 1-242 on WhatsApp corresponds to the Bahamas.

Does the 1-242 area code always have the same location?

No, the +1-242 area code does not always have the same location. The +1-242 area code is assigned to the Bahamas, which is a country in the Caribbean. However, area codes can sometimes be reassigned or changed, so it is always a good idea to verify the location associated with a specific area code before making any assumptions.

Country code for

How to call from abroad to a phone located in Bahamas?

To call from abroad to a phone located in the Bahamas, you will need to follow a few steps.

First, you will need to know the international dialing code for the Bahamas, which is +1. This code is used to indicate that you are making an international call to the Bahamas.

Next, you will need to dial the country code for the Bahamas, which is 242. This code is specific to the Bahamas and is used to identify the country you are calling.

After dialing the country code, you will need to enter the local phone number of the person or business you are trying to reach. Make sure to include the area code if necessary.

For example, if you are calling a phone located in Nassau, the capital city of the Bahamas, you would dial +1 242 followed by the local phone number. Let's say the local phone number is 555-1234, you would dial +1 242 555-1234.

It's important to note that international calling rates may apply when making calls from abroad to the Bahamas. It's recommended to check with your service provider for specific rates and any additional charges that may apply.

You can also know the following country codes:

We hope you liked this article about +1 242 Country code: Bahamas.