+690 Country code: Tokelau

The area code +690 belongs to Tokelau.

Country Calling Code

+ 690

Also Tokelau Country code for whatsapp

How to call

Top Level Domain (TLD)


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ISO Numeric: 772




Time Zone in Capital


Local time

Frequently asked questions about 690 area code


What is country code 690

Country code 690 is not currently assigned to any specific country. Country codes are used to identify different countries or territories in international telecommunications. However, there are certain country codes that have not been allocated to any particular nation. In the case of country code 690, it is currently unassigned and does not correspond to any specific country.

What area code is 690 on WhatsApp?

The area code 690 on WhatsApp corresponds to the country of Tokelau. Tokelau is a small territory in the South Pacific Ocean, consisting of three coral atolls. It is a dependent territory of New Zealand and has a population of around 1,500 people. The area code 690 is used for phone numbers in Tokelau when using WhatsApp.

Country codes telephone

How to call from abroad to a phone located in Tokelau?

To call from abroad to a phone located in Tokelau, you will need to follow a specific dialing procedure.

First, you will need to know the international dialing code for Tokelau, which is +690. This code is used to indicate that you are making an international call to Tokelau.

Next, you will need to dial the country code of the country you are calling from. For example, if you are calling from the United States, the country code is +1.

After dialing the country code, you will need to dial the area code or mobile prefix of the phone number you are calling in Tokelau. The area code for Tokelau is 90.

you can dial the remaining digits of the phone number to complete the call.

For example, if you are calling a phone number in Tokelau with the number 1234567 from the United States, you would dial: +690 90 1234567.

It is important to note that international calling rates may apply when making calls from abroad to Tokelau, so it is advisable to check with your service provider for any additional charges.

You can also know the following country codes:

We hope you liked this article about +690 Country code: Tokelau.